MLIC offers the best GMAT prep course for 700+ GMAT score in Los Angeles, California. MLIC GMAT Prep is the best for the following reasons: - We use the latest and LIVE GMAT test problems from the recent GMAT test administratins, not rely on outdated Official Guide for GMAT Review containing retired questions from the past GMAT tests.
Our GMAT course instructors are professional trainers who have MBA's from A-list business schools, and who take the GMAT test once each year to demonstrate GMAT test related competencies. All instructors have scored in the 99th percentile of total GMAT score. In contrast, GMAT courses offered by Kaplan GMAT, Manhattan GMAT prep, Veritas GMAT Prep, Princeton Review, etc. use uncommitted, unqualified part-time instructors and use outdated GMAT preparation materials.
- Our 4-day Turboprep® GMAT Course features 120-hours of GMAT preparation in 3-phases, and is backed by 80th percentile GMAT score guarantee. Participants in our 3-day SmarTest® GMAT Strategies course receive 100 hours of GMAT practice tests, GMAT Study Guides, and practice exercises in addition to 21 hours of intensive weekend GMAT preparation
Enroll in the best GMAT preparation course offered at Los Angeles CA by MLIC today!
The GMAT Turboprep® and GMAT Weekend intensive courses are offered in Los Angeles, CA once each month, starting on the THIRD Friday of each month. The GMAT Classes run according to the following schedule:
- Friday: 04:00 P.M. to 07:00 P.M.
- Sat - Mon: 09:30 A.M. to 05:30 P.M.
The GMAT Turboprep® course and GMAT Weekend Intensive Prep Course are held in ONE location in Los Angeles CA:
- Embassy Suites Hotel, 9801 Airport Blvd
Los Angeles, California, United States, 90045
You can sign up to participate in the industry-leading GMAT prep courses offered by MLIC by submitting the registration details from our secure web-site.
All MLIC GMAT prep courses -- Turboprep, Weekend GMAT prep, and GMAT ONLINE PREP -- are backed by MLIC unique 620+ GMAT Score Guarantee. Under this provision, you are guaranteed to receive GMAT training required to shoot for and achieve GMAT scores of better than 700. In order to validate this GMAT Score Guarantee, you should complete all 120 hours of training (spread over three phases for in-class Turboprep and Weekend GMAT courses), participate actively in all the GMAT classroom tests and assignments, and take the GMAT test within 30 days of the last day of the in-class GMAT training. If, after meeting the Score Guarantee validation requirement, if you fail to score at least 620 on the GMAT when you take it, any subsequent preparation and coaching required to get you up to speed will not be charged for. The GMAT Score Guarantee does not imply return of the course fee or any other liabilities on the part of MLICETS. No other GMAT prep company out there offers this score-specific Guarantee. How can MLIC offer this GMAT Score Guarantee? Because MLIC GMAT Prep uses the patent-pending CPSD methodology and actively trains you with frequently updated and relevant training materials reflecting the most recent emphasis on current GMAT administrations, and with questions having the most relevance to high-difficulty level GMAT questions critical to achieving a GMAT score in the 90th percentile. You cannot find a better value for your GMAT prep time and GMAT prep dollars -- Enroll in the industry-leading, best GMAT prep courses offered in Los Angeles, CA today!
"I had taken the Kaplan GMAT prep before I took the MLIC prep class in Los Angeles. I found the Kaplan method insulting and insufficient to help me feel confident. The MLIC course, on the other hand, was intense, and helped me understand my weaknesses. I also received patient help from the instructor who was professional, highly skilled, and full of humor. All in all, a worthwhile investment. My GMAT score improved from 520 to 660, sufficient to get me into USC."
-- Rebecca Tinsley, GMAT Prep Course, Los Angeles.
"I took your turboprep course after participating in Veritas gmat course, and found your training exponentially better. The study materials were far superior and covered the gmat sections more comprehensively, and your in-class instructions were a thousand times better than I had seen with Veritas. For example, Veritas showed a few sample problems during the in-class sessions and let me work on my own with their question bank. When I showed up in the next class, there was no review of homework problems. MLIC, on the other hand, gave all of us after-class home assignments and reviewed all of it during the following day. The instructor was a professional and was patient in helping us understand difficult concepts such as sequences and functions, which were never discussed at any length in Veritas program and which actually showed up on my test. I have no reservation in recommending your amazing gmat course.
-- KPJ, GMAT Prep, Los Angeles, CA
"I had taken the Veritas Prep GMAT course and found it totally worthless. The course materials provided by the company were outdated and full of errors. I scored 490 on the GMAT, and was told I could retake the course once more. I did not want to waste my time with Veritas GMAT company. So, I enrolled in MLIC GMAT at Burlingame, and was thrilled when I got my download instructions for preclass modules. MLIC prep materials were vastly superior, and the in-class prep was more about training than about showing some sample problems that Veritas GMAT did. My GMAT score improved to 690 after MLIC GMAT. Thank you, MLIC."
-- Judith Eason, Oakland, California
"Half way through the Veritas prep program and frustrated with the haphazard training methodology used by Chris, I enrolled in the MLIC GMAT prep course in Manhattan. Right from the time I received the precourse assignments, I could already see why MLIC was far superior. The training guides provided by MLIC were the best I have worked through, and the in-class instructions were the most thorough: Veritas instructor would randomly choose a few problems from their workbooks and OG, and hurriedly show how they would be solved. After class assignments were hardly reviewed, and I had to work on my own in clueless frustration. In contrast, MLIC instructor covered all concept areas, strategies, and explained all in-class tests and home assignments. Some of the critical areas such as sequences and conditional probability were never covered in any dept in the Veritas program whereas MLIC did a great job. MLIC prep was worth the time and additional money I paid for it. "
-- S. Hoffman, New York City
Visit TESTIMONIALS ABOUT MLICETS GMAT PREP COURSES to see more testimonials attesting to why MLIC GMAT Courses are the best preparation option for the GMAT.
Veritas Prep GMAT course, offered by Veritas LLC, a Connecticut LLC, relies on instructors who are recruited through ads in Craigslist and on the basis of phone interviews and skype auditions. Do your due diligence before choosing Veritas Prep GMAT course. Check out Veritas Prep Facts.
- MLIC GMAT prep courses put you through the paces over 120 hours of no-nonsense, kick-ass training in GMAT-critical areas, and train you with frequently updated, most relevant to the current version of the GMAT, and high-difficulty level questions critical to getting a score of better than 700 on the GMAT.
- MLIC GMAT has produced more 90th percentile test-takers than any other course for the GMAT out there. Compare MLIC GMAT that offers 120 hours of goal-driven and skill-enhancing GMAT Coaching with pitiful 18 to 27 hours offered by Kaplan, Princeton Review, Manhattan GMAT, and Manhattan Review, and with the unverifiable and tall claims of other GMAT prep companies,and you can see why MLIC GMAT is the best value for your GMAT prep time and dollars.
- MLIC GMAT uses full-time, dedicated instructors who are all MBA's and who are required to take the GMAT at least once each year and score in the 99th percentile on the GMAT. Choose MLIC GMAT Prep -- your best training option for GMAT Test Score of 700+.
- MLIC GMAT prep courses are backed by industry-leading 620+ GMAT Score Guarantee.
- MLIC GMAT coursesFrequently updated, most thorough, highly relevant GMAT study and training materials that reflect the LIVE emphasis monitored on most recent GMAT administrations, not stale-dated, retired questions from Official Guide to GMAT Review.
MLIC GMAT prep courses:The best GMAT prep classes in Los Angeles area. Think MLIC GMAT for better than 90th percentile GMAT score.
1 888 565 GMAT(4628) 1 212 682 5000 +1 213 985 3450
- VISIT GMAT PREP COURSES HOME to read about the structure of our GMAT courses and the curriculum.